
Easter and Baptism and Being Catholic

Happy Easter everyone! :)

I suppose most of you are busy with all different kind of Easter stuff and events, egg decorating, or chocolate bunny, or even egg hunt!

Here, we're are rather busy in getting T ready for... his baptism! Yeah, after quite some time following the course on the path to become Catholic (which he's done for me especially), he's got a dispensation from the parish to have three holy sacraments given to him all in one: Baptism, Confirmation, and (first) Communion. Big day, indeed. We're happy that Father Ignatius (the one who gave us our pre-marital counseling) were the one who presented T his sacraments.

Dressed up in white t-shirt and dark blue pantalon, he seemed ready to rumba! We were seated at the front of the front row haha.. He asked me to sit and accompany him throughout the mass. Besides him, there's also another man who had his Confirmation.

Everything went well and smooth. And now he's a legit Catholic :)

One of the reason that he became Catholic is to ease up with the marriage process in Indonesia. In most cases, if the partner is a foreigner, the partner will be the one to "convert" to whatever religions held by the Indonesian spouse. But personally, I myself would love to have a partner that can go together with me to the church.

One step closer to the wedding!!!


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