
Hello 2013!

It's a whole new year!
Means we've survived the 2012 Mayan-apocalypse after all!

My big fiancee and I were lucky enough to attend a lovely wedding of his brother, spent some quality time with the family during Christmas and New Year, and do a little wedding shopping and wander around for ideas. I was quite annoyed tough, by the fact that the snow stop falling the day we arrived and start pilling up again after we left for Jakarta... :(

A cup of Winter Special bubble tea at 8tea5 Den Haag :)

We managed to get some documents needed from his side for the wedding too. 
Hopefully it all will go well.

So last year, I was only toying around with all the wedding stuff.. Went to the Jakarta Wedding Festival and was stunned by.. nothing. Having this and that idea and twisting it all around. I don't realize that it's actually only... 4 months to go and I still have toooons of things to do and arrange :)) :))

At this point, we start arranging for the paperwork and other stuff that needs to be done from religious point of view. I believe we're gonna have the premarital counseling in 1-2 months, the sooner the better! In the mean time, I have started here and there with my little DIY-Projects: printables, designing invitation, glues and scissors . Cheap-o but neat-o ;) 

My wedding dress is faaaaar from from done. Instead, it just on scratch phase hahaha.. but I do know now that it's gonna be in a shade of GOLD! ;) No white dress for me, I know I look pretty awful in white. I'd better be in a good shape for my kebaya! Any ideas on how to shake off 10 KGs in 3 months? 

Well.. Next thing in line.. Any ideas for pre-nup?


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